Ross Clark
2025-02-01 08:34:50 UTC
Permalinkto light on February 1, marked "National Freedom Day, USA". What? Never
heard of it. It's not mentioned on the 2025 calendar which started this
whole project.
Wiki says it's a United States "observance"...a careful choice of words?
The event commemorated is clear: Lincoln's signing (1/2/1865) of the
joint House and Senate resolution which eventually became the 13th
Amendment, abolishing slavery.
It originated with a campaign by Major Richard Robert Wright, Sr.
(1855-1947), born into slavery and freed after the Civil War, for a day
"when freedom for all Americans is celebrated". It was proclaimed by
President Truman in 1948.
So why did I never hear of it? (I lived in the USA for 7 years, and have
never been very far from hearing and reading about it.)
Clues in the Wiki article: "The President may issue each year a
proclamation designating February 1 as National Freedom Day..."
"may"...or may not. Sounds like it's on a one-year contract.
"On this day, many towns and cities have festivals...Some citizens
reflect privately on the freedoms....It is not a federal holiday."
So it just faded from lack of interest? Or was it superseded by Juneteenth?
What experience have other people had of it?