Post by Aidan KehoePost by Lawrence D'OliveiroPost by Peter MoylanPost by HenHannaAnother nostalgic term is to "CDR down the list..."
It is indeed many years since I last used CAR and CDR in anger, but I
don't remember it with nostalgia.
Proper CompSci terms should not have such proprietary origins.
“Contents of the decrement register,” wasn’t it? Not horrific on that front.
But yes, a more general word would be ideal.
John MacCarthy obviously cared about naming. The FLPL (Fortran List
Processing Language) had awful function names like XCARF and XCDRF.
He had the presence of mind to drop the gratuitous X and F.
However, he was fine with the names like CAR and CDR and used that in
papers before Lisp existed.
The two fields of a binary cell can be used in a myriad ways with
as many meanings. Therefore names for their parts which have no meaning
are fitting; they do not skew the interpretation of the program with
inappropriate connotations.
When you see nothing but a bunch of car and cdr in code, you know it's
just working with shape. Whatever meaning the shape has has is imposed
Post by Aidan KehoeA (the) codebase I work on has a Lisp implementation as well as a lot of C. The
Lisp data types and related functions are easily available to the C code.
Nonetheless there are loads of C structures that just incorporate their own
next pointer and roll their own linked lists that way, requiring separate list
traversal, searching, sorting, cycle detection code ...
Inside a Lisp-in-C impementation, the garbage collected Lisp list are
not always the most efficient thing to use, and could even cause
problems in code that interacts with the memory mangement and GC.
When internal structures use their own links, it's a clean separation.
Another consideration is that in C we often use intrusive containers,
including lists. The objects contain the link node as part of their
representation, and so can be put on a list without having to allocate
a list cell. This constrains them to be one one list at a time
(if they have one link field) and that is actually enough in
many situations.
Intrusive lists and other data structures can be had in a generic way;
for instance with the BSD TAILQ macros. You don't have to write
multiple sort or cycle detection routines.
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