Post by Ross ClarkPost by Ross ClarkPost by Ross Clark Does 野分 in Chinese mean 颱風 (台風, Typhoon) ?
Google Translate gives a reading yē fēn for 野分, but translates it as
"Nowaki". Which is very odd because "Nowaki" is not an English word.
My small Ch-Eng dictionary does not seem to have yē fēn in it.
野 means something like 'wild'. 分 can mean 'separate; part; point' and
various other things. Not much help if we can't find the combination.
in Japanese, 野分き, 野分, のわき (or Nowake) means that.
Small Jp-Eng dictionary has nowaki 野分 'a wintry blast; a searing blast
of late autumn'.
So I don't think either of these is a synonym of 台風.
野 means something like 'wild'. 分 can mean 'separate; part; point' and
(Etym.) it is so-named because The field-grass (野の草) gets Separated.
け) と いい、11世紀初頭の『枕草子』『源氏物語』などにもその表現を見
ること が出来 る。
Possible, but could be folk etymology.
----------- Do you have a better idea , or a hunch?
The use of the character 分 definitely suggests a connection to 分ける
wakeru 'divide, separate'. But the form as given in the dictionary is
nowaki. The writer of the above gives another form, nowake. But I don't
know whether this is an attested variant, or a purely hypothetical
earlier form from which nowaki might have been derived. I could equally
well see the -waki as derived from waku 'boil, seeth, be in an uproar'.
----------- it's not related to Boiling (as you can see below)
i think .... Nowaki is the older reading than Nowake
in the last 100 years, Nowake is more common
の わき 【野分】
筆者: 三省堂編修所 2007年9月3日
─ かな / 芭蕉 》」とあります。
いつごろに適したことば? -----------
時候のあいさつに使うなら… 「野分の候」「野分の砌(みぎり)」など