Abdullah Konushevci
2006-01-04 17:45:30 UTC
*bha:-1 'to shine'. Oldest form *bheH2-, colored to *bhaH2-,
contracted to *bha:-. 1a. Suffixed o-grade form *bho:-sko > Palb. beh
in <zbeh> 'to make pale, fade; literally to loose the light' (z-
privative suffix, probably voiced variant dz- of *ts-); b. Variant form
<bef> in <i beftë> 'sudden, unexpected; literally like lightning',
adverb <befas> 'suddenly', abstract noun <befasi> 'surprise'.
2a. Suffixed and extended zero-grade form *bhH2-n-ya > Alb.
<bânj/bënj> 'to do; literally to bring to light' (cf. Gr.
phainein 'id.'); b. suffixed zero-grade form *bhH2-ti > bas
'creator; literally the light, appearance (cf. Gr. phasis and one of
Jesus' sentence "I am the light"). 3. Extended basic root
*bha:t-eH2 > Alb. <botë> 'world, mankind; white clay' (same
formation we may notice in Sl. svijet 'world' and <svijetlo>
'light' as well as in Romanian <lume> 'world, mankind' and
<lumina> 'light'). 4. Prefixed participle form t-ban
'herdsman's camp for dairy animals', probably from *bhH2-no, that
was later substantivized. 5. Deverbative of this substantivized
partiple is <ban-oj> 'to dwell', <ban-esë> 'apartment',
<ban-or> 'inhabitant' etc. 6. I guess that also Alb. <borë> is a
substantivized adjective of *bha:-ro (Pokorny 1. bha:- 104.)
*bha:-2 'to speak'. 1. Alb. <z-boj>, <dë-boj> 'expel, banish,
excommunicate', probably from suffixed extended form *bhH3-n-yo of
*bho:-, meaning preserved in Old Norse <banna> 'to prohibit,
curse'. 2. Probably suffixed zero-grade form *bhH2s-ko > bashkë
'together', , <bashkëshort> 'spouse, husband: second part of
compound is probably Lat. sors, -tis 'fate, destiny', so literally
means to have together same destiny', <bashk-i> 'municipality',
<bashk-oj> 'to unite, band together, connect' etc. (cf. Italian
<bandire 'to muster, band together' from Gmc *ban-wan, *bannan). 3.
I guess to that Alb. prefixed form <m'u d-bue> 'to copulate',
especially the act of copulation between the bitch and dogs, synonymic
with the verb <m'u ndjek> 'to persecute' should be related to
participle o-grade form *bho:-no (Pokorny 2. bha:- 105.)
*bha-bha:- 'broad bean'. Alb. <bathë> 'bean', probably from
suffixed form *bha-k'o: Gr. phakos 'lentil', Sl. <bob>
'bean': Lat. faba 'broad bean': OE be:an 'id.' etc.
(Pokorny bhabha:- 106.)
*bhag- 'to share out also to get a share'. Alb. <buzmi>
'Christmas tree', probably from suffixed zero-grade form *bhugs-mo
barnch' from prefixed zero-grade nasalized form *H1en- + *bhH2ngh-eH2
contrcted to *bhau-. 1. Alb. <bie> 'to beat' seems to be derived
from oldest form *bheH2u-, aor. has suppletive form <rashë>. Probably
a mixture with *bheiH2- 'to strike'. 2a. Suffixed zero-grade form
*bhu-to is an participle, that was adjectivized in <i butë>
'soft'; b. Prefixed with intensive s- <zbut> 'to soften'; 3.
Basic form *bheH2u-, extended in zero-grade form *-stH2 of verb *steH2-
'to stand' > Alb. <bisht> 'tail, crook, handle, fragellum'
<*biesht (cf. same formation in Sl. <biti> 'to beat' and <bic^>
'fragellum'), probably attested in oldest form in Dacian name
Burebista. 4. Suffixed form *bau-t-a:-n-yo have yielded <batonj> in
prefixed verb <z-batonj> 'to execute'.
*bhe:- to warm'. Oldest form *bheH1-. 1a. Probably extended root
*bheH1k-o have yielded in Alb. Gheg <vok> 'to warm', Tosk. <vak>
'id.', proving that in certain contexts /*bh/ was not syncretized
with /*b/. b. suffixed in -to it yields <i/e voktë/vaktë>
'warm' and in -je <vokje> 'warming'. I think that /*bh/ not
only followed by liquid, like in *n.bhulo > avull, but also followed by
back vowels yields also /v/, that I try to prove in many examples: OE
bacan: OHG bakan. (Pokorny bhe:- 113.)
*bheid- 'to split'. Alb. <bizë> 'awl; embroidery needle' is
probably derived from suffixed zero-grade form *bhid-ya:.
*bheidh - 'to trust, confide, persuade'. 1a.Alb. <be:>
'oath', probably from *boidha: with compensatory lengthening of
nucleus /e:/ (. Cf. lat. foedus, Sl. beda). b. <për-bej> 'to
swear' Nasalized zero-grade form *bhind-. 2a. Alb. <bind>
'persuade'; b. <përbindsh> 'monster'. 3. <besë> 'faith,
trust', probably from *boidh-tya:, synonymic with <fe>
'religion', probably from Lat. fides in <nuk ka besë e nuk ka fe>.
*bhel-1 'to shine, flash, burn'.
I. Suffixed o-grade form *bhol-eH2: 1a. Alb. <balë> 'white blaze on
the face or body of a domestic animal' b. <balash> 'with blazed
face or spotted body'; c. bal 'dog with white spots; sheepdog';
d. bal-iskë 'patch of white on the face or body of domestic
animal'; 2a. In many compounds as a first or second element:
<balë·drenjë> 'goat with long straight horns and a white blaze on
the forehead', also <bal·fllorë>; b. balë·mushk 'goat with
dun-colored hair'; c. bal·dosë 'badger' also <dosëbalë>; d.
balë·sorrë 'black ewe with a white blaze on the forehead'; e.
balë·krocë 'evergreen rose'; f. balgjosë 'dark goat with
white lines'; g. bal·mëllenjë 'dark goat with a white blaze on
the forehead', etc (cf. Gr. phalaros 'having a white spot). (It was
rightly supposed that the name of Belisarius' hors <Balias> could be
explained through Albanian.). 3a. Extended root *bhol-t-a: > Alb.
<baltë> 'mud, dirt' (cf. Sl. <blato>, present also in Rom.
<balta>); b. <balt-ak> 'muddy, slimy', c. balt-ovinë 'muddy
place'; d. <balt-inë> 'muddy ground'; e. balt-omë 'mud,
filth' etc. 4. <bajzë> 'coot' (cf. Lat. fulica, Gr.
phaleris/phalaris 'id.'), probably from *bhol-dya:. 5. <ballë>
'forehead' from *bhol-na: (cf. Skt. bha:lam: OPr ballo).
II. Extended root *bhleH1-, contracted to *bhle:- 1a. Alb. <blozë>
'smock-black, lampblack, smut', probably from *bhleH1-dya:; b. <i/e
blozët> 'charred' (cf. Gmc *blewaz).
III. Zero-grade form *bhl.H1- 1. Alb. <blini/bliri> 'lime-tree,
linden', probably derivev from suffixed form of zero-grade *bhl.-nu,
even to some my research *r.H1 as well as *l.H1 have yielded in Alb.
/ur/ and /ul/.
IV. Extended root *bhleg- 1. Alb. <bjeg-zë> with metathetic variant
<bjezgë> 'Phlomis fruticosa', probably from *bhleg-dya:. Same
formation was found also in South Slavic <belica> 'id.' from <bel>
'white'. (Pokorny 1. bhel- 118, bheleg- 124.)
*bhel-2 'to blow, swell'. 1. Alb. <buall/buell> 'bull' from
attested <buoll> is probably derived from lengthened e-grade *bhe:l-n-,
through regular diphthongizing of long *e: to /ou/ > /uo/ > Gheg /ue/
and Tosk /ua/ followed by liquids (cf. ON <boli>). Alb. <bole>
'testicles' (pluralia tantum, synonym <koçe>) is singularized
plural of probably qualitative ablaut *bhl.H1-o > bule > bole. 3.
Zero-grade form *bhl.- > Alb. <bli> 'sturgeon' (cf. Gr.
phal(l)aina 'whale'). (Pokorny 3. bhel- 120.)
*bhel-3 'to thrive, bloom'. 1. Suffixed zero-grade form *bhl.H1- 1.
Alb. <bulë> 'bud', <bulëzoj> 'to sprout'. Probably
assimilation b - l > l - l yielded Alb. <lule> 'flower' as
singularized plural, <lulëzoj> 'to flower, bloom'. 2. Prefixed
form *sbhlo:-t-a: > Alb. <fletë> 'leaf' (*sp-/*sbh- > Alb. /f/):
Gr. phullon: Lat. folium 'id.'.
*bher-1 'to carry; also to bear children'.
I. Suffixed zero-grade *bher-yo 1. <bíe> 'I bring', through
compensatory lengthening of diphthong from *bhiej (*ry > j) (cf. Lat.
ferre: Gr. pherein). 2. Participle form *bher-no > bjerrë 'to lose,
waste', used later also as present stem, usually preceded by
privative prefix z-bjerr, d-bjerr (*dz- voiced allomorph of *ts-) with
metathesis form <bdjerr>.
II. Suffixed o-grade form *bhor-neH2. 1. barrë 'pregnancy'. 2.
*bhor-t > bart 'carry', <bartje> 'carrying'. 3. *bhor-ti >
bars-e 'with young (for woman), calf (for cow)' though *-ti >s as
singularized plural.
III. Possibly extended zero-grade form *br.-t-mu 'automn' (.cf.
Lat. fortunus), synonym <vjeshtë> 'id.'. (Pokorny 1.bher- 128.)
*bher- 'to cut, pierce, bore'. 1. Suffixed zero-grade form
*br.-meH2 > brimë/vrimë 'opening, hole', Gheg variant <birë>
(cf. Lat. for a:re). 2a. Suffixed long o-grade *bhe:r-iga > borigë
'black pine/spruce'; b. borigëz 'chip, splinter' (cf. Gr.
pharynx). 3a. Metathesis long o-grade *bhro:-n-yo > brênj 'gnaw,
nibble'. b. Suffixed in -tyeH2 <bresë> 'chicory, succory'
(synonym <radhiqe>). (Pokorny 3. bher- 133).
*bherHg'- 'to shine'. 1. Alb. <bredh> 'fir-tree', probably
singularized plural of <brad> (attested in Romanian), probably from
zero-grade form *bhr.Hg'-u > *bradz-i > bredh, due to i-Umlaut (cf.
Lat. fraxinus 'ash tree', OE birc(e)). 2. <i,e bardhë>
'white', probably from o-grade form *bhorHg'-o > bardza (Rom.
barza 'stork'). (Pokorny bherHg'- 139.)
*bherg'h- 'to hide, protect'. 1. Alb. <burg> 'jail, prison',
probably from o-grade form *bhorg'h-u (cf. rHg' > rdz > rdh and
*rg'h > rg): Gmc bergan 'to protect'. (Pokorny bherg'h- 145.)
*bheudh- 'to be aware, to make aware'. 1a. Alb. <bunj> 'to put up
for the overnight, give overnight lodgins to', probably from extended
and suffixed zero-grade form *bhudh-n-yo; b. participle form <(me)
bujtë>, probably from *bhudh-to; c. bujt-inë 'small hotel,
lodgings'. 2. Prefixed form <për-bunj> 'to stay awake'. With
this meaning is better preserved in Albanian loan in South-Slavic
languages <katra-bunac^> 'kletvobdenje' etc. : Skt bhodati 'he
awakes', Sl. buditi 'to wake up', Gmc *budo:n 'messenger'.
(Pokorny bheudh- 150.)
*bhes- 'to rub'. 1a. Suffixed form *s-bhes-i-n-yo > fshinj
'rub', probably treating cluster *-bhs- like *-sp- > Alb. /f/. b.
fshesë 'broom' in abstract suffix -tia:. 2. Extended and
suffixed o-grade form *bhosd-ilo > bëzhdile 'sweepings, dust,
rubbish', probably from *bashdilë, used as singularized plural with
regular voicing of /sh/ to /zh/ after voiced stop (cf. Gr. phsilos from
*bhs-ilo in epsilon, psilomelane, upsilon. (Pokorny 1. bhes- 145.)
*bheuH- 'to be, exist, grow'.
I. Extended form *bhwi-. 1a. Alb. <binj/mbinj> 'to sprout,
germinate' (cf. Gr. phuein 'to make grow'), probably from
*bhwi-n-yo; b. Present past participle <bimë> 'plant, growth' (cf.
Gr. phutos, phuton 'plant') 2a. Possibly suffixed form *bhwi-lyeH2
shepherd's hut' (cf. OI <both> 'a hut', probably from *bhu-nu;
b. Place name Bunjaj. (Pokorny bheu- 146.)
*bheug- 'to bend'. 1a. Alb. <i,e butë> 'soft', probably from
suffixed zero-grade form *bhug-to, through assimilation -gt- > -tt-,
like in *nokW-t-eH2 > natë (cf. Irish Gaelic <bog> 'id.'); b.
<zbut> 'to soften', from prefixed form z-but; c. zbunoj 'to
cajole; caress' from *zbutnoj (tn > n, attested also in <zonë>
'god, lord' master' from <zot-në> or <monë> 'weather' from
<mot-në>). (Pokorny 3. bheug- 152.)
*bheug- 'to taste, prove'. 1a. Alb. <bung> 'durmast oak',
<bungajë> 'forest of durmast oak' (cf. -ol-yo > Alb. -ajë in
*H2el- above), probably from zero-grade nasalized form of o-grade
*bhH3ng-u > bong-u > bung; b. compound <bungëbutë> 'pubescent oak,
white oak', <bungëkeqe> 'Hungarian oak', <bungëkuqe>
'Macedonian oak' (cf. Rom. <bunget> 'thick forest' in suffix
-et.): Gmc *bo:ko:. (Pokorny 4. bheug - 153.)
*bhle:- 'to blow'. 1. Diminutive prefixed form *bhl.H1-skë > alb.
fluskë 'bubble, vesicle', possible from *s-phl.H1-skë (*l.H1 >
Alb. /ul/). 2. Suffixed o-grade form *sphlo:g-er > flegër
'nostrils'. (Pokorny 3.bhel- 120.)
*bleu- 'to swell, well up, overflow'. 1. Extended zero-grade form
*bhlugW- have yilded Alb. <vlug> 'prime point, peak'. 2. Lengthened
e-grade form *bhle:-n-yo > Alb. <vloj> 'boil' (cf. Gr.
phluein/phluzein 'id.'). 3. Suffixed basic root *bhleu-nu > Alb.
bleni 'book, tom, volume' (Pokonry bhleu- 158.)
*bhra:ter- 'brother'. 1. Alb. <bres, brezi> 'generation' is
probably singularized plural of from *bra-tia (bra'brother' in
Illyrian, attested also in Illyrian place name Bratia, today Braç). 2.
Form bra- is attested also in place naime Bra-ina and in patronymic
Bra-ishor. (Pokorny bhra:ter- 163.)
*bhredh- 'to wade'. 1a. Alb. <bredh> 'to wander, roam', aor.
<brodha>; b. extended in abstract suffix -je <bredh-je>
'wandering' (cf. OCHS <broditi> 'to wade'); c. double suffixed
adjective <bredh-ac-ak> 'wanderer, roamer'. (Pokorny bhred(h)-
*bhren-to- 'deer, hornsbearer'. 1. Alb. <brî> 'horn', probably
from zero-grade form *bhr.-nu, Geg plural <brîena> (Messapian
<brendon> from <brenton> with regular voicing of unvoiced dental
preceded by nasal). (Pokorny bhren-to- 168.)
*bhreu- 'to boil, bubble, effervesce; burn'.
I. Suffixed extended zero-grade form *bhru-n-yo. 1. Alb. mbrunj
'knead, impaste, mix'. 2. Present past participle <brumë>
'dough, duff, paste'.
II. Variant form *bhur- 1. Alb. <buroj> 'to spring, gush', derived
from *bhur-a:-n-yo, burim 'spring': Gr. phrear 'spring': OE
burna etc.
contracted to *bha:-. 1a. Suffixed o-grade form *bho:-sko > Palb. beh
in <zbeh> 'to make pale, fade; literally to loose the light' (z-
privative suffix, probably voiced variant dz- of *ts-); b. Variant form
<bef> in <i beftë> 'sudden, unexpected; literally like lightning',
adverb <befas> 'suddenly', abstract noun <befasi> 'surprise'.
2a. Suffixed and extended zero-grade form *bhH2-n-ya > Alb.
<bânj/bënj> 'to do; literally to bring to light' (cf. Gr.
phainein 'id.'); b. suffixed zero-grade form *bhH2-ti > bas
'creator; literally the light, appearance (cf. Gr. phasis and one of
Jesus' sentence "I am the light"). 3. Extended basic root
*bha:t-eH2 > Alb. <botë> 'world, mankind; white clay' (same
formation we may notice in Sl. svijet 'world' and <svijetlo>
'light' as well as in Romanian <lume> 'world, mankind' and
<lumina> 'light'). 4. Prefixed participle form t-ban
'herdsman's camp for dairy animals', probably from *bhH2-no, that
was later substantivized. 5. Deverbative of this substantivized
partiple is <ban-oj> 'to dwell', <ban-esë> 'apartment',
<ban-or> 'inhabitant' etc. 6. I guess that also Alb. <borë> is a
substantivized adjective of *bha:-ro (Pokorny 1. bha:- 104.)
*bha:-2 'to speak'. 1. Alb. <z-boj>, <dë-boj> 'expel, banish,
excommunicate', probably from suffixed extended form *bhH3-n-yo of
*bho:-, meaning preserved in Old Norse <banna> 'to prohibit,
curse'. 2. Probably suffixed zero-grade form *bhH2s-ko > bashkë
'together', , <bashkëshort> 'spouse, husband: second part of
compound is probably Lat. sors, -tis 'fate, destiny', so literally
means to have together same destiny', <bashk-i> 'municipality',
<bashk-oj> 'to unite, band together, connect' etc. (cf. Italian
<bandire 'to muster, band together' from Gmc *ban-wan, *bannan). 3.
I guess to that Alb. prefixed form <m'u d-bue> 'to copulate',
especially the act of copulation between the bitch and dogs, synonymic
with the verb <m'u ndjek> 'to persecute' should be related to
participle o-grade form *bho:-no (Pokorny 2. bha:- 105.)
*bha-bha:- 'broad bean'. Alb. <bathë> 'bean', probably from
suffixed form *bha-k'o: Gr. phakos 'lentil', Sl. <bob>
'bean': Lat. faba 'broad bean': OE be:an 'id.' etc.
(Pokorny bhabha:- 106.)
*bhag- 'to share out also to get a share'. Alb. <buzmi>
'Christmas tree', probably from suffixed zero-grade form *bhugs-mo
buxh-mo > buzm-i as dual nom. plural (cf. -ksh- > -ç- and *-gsh - > -xh-): Pers. baksheesh 'tip' from *bhags-, Gr. phagein 'to eat' etc. Its meaning is obvious from NP <buzmi bujar> 'open-handed Buzmi'. (Pokorny 1. bhag- 107.)
*bhaH2ghu- 'arm'. 1. Probably Alb. <mangë> 'arm, sleeve,barnch' from prefixed zero-grade nasalized form *H1en- + *bhH2ngh-eH2
nbangë > mbangë > mmangë > mange/mëngë: OE bo:g/bo:h 'bough'. (Pokorny bhaghu-s - 108.)
*bhau- 'to strike'. Oldest form *bheH2u-, colored to *bhaH2u-,contrcted to *bhau-. 1. Alb. <bie> 'to beat' seems to be derived
from oldest form *bheH2u-, aor. has suppletive form <rashë>. Probably
a mixture with *bheiH2- 'to strike'. 2a. Suffixed zero-grade form
*bhu-to is an participle, that was adjectivized in <i butë>
'soft'; b. Prefixed with intensive s- <zbut> 'to soften'; 3.
Basic form *bheH2u-, extended in zero-grade form *-stH2 of verb *steH2-
'to stand' > Alb. <bisht> 'tail, crook, handle, fragellum'
<*biesht (cf. same formation in Sl. <biti> 'to beat' and <bic^>
'fragellum'), probably attested in oldest form in Dacian name
Burebista. 4. Suffixed form *bau-t-a:-n-yo have yielded <batonj> in
prefixed verb <z-batonj> 'to execute'.
*bhe:- to warm'. Oldest form *bheH1-. 1a. Probably extended root
*bheH1k-o have yielded in Alb. Gheg <vok> 'to warm', Tosk. <vak>
'id.', proving that in certain contexts /*bh/ was not syncretized
with /*b/. b. suffixed in -to it yields <i/e voktë/vaktë>
'warm' and in -je <vokje> 'warming'. I think that /*bh/ not
only followed by liquid, like in *n.bhulo > avull, but also followed by
back vowels yields also /v/, that I try to prove in many examples: OE
bacan: OHG bakan. (Pokorny bhe:- 113.)
*bheid- 'to split'. Alb. <bizë> 'awl; embroidery needle' is
probably derived from suffixed zero-grade form *bhid-ya:.
*bheidh - 'to trust, confide, persuade'. 1a.Alb. <be:>
'oath', probably from *boidha: with compensatory lengthening of
nucleus /e:/ (. Cf. lat. foedus, Sl. beda). b. <për-bej> 'to
swear' Nasalized zero-grade form *bhind-. 2a. Alb. <bind>
'persuade'; b. <përbindsh> 'monster'. 3. <besë> 'faith,
trust', probably from *boidh-tya:, synonymic with <fe>
'religion', probably from Lat. fides in <nuk ka besë e nuk ka fe>.
*bhel-1 'to shine, flash, burn'.
I. Suffixed o-grade form *bhol-eH2: 1a. Alb. <balë> 'white blaze on
the face or body of a domestic animal' b. <balash> 'with blazed
face or spotted body'; c. bal 'dog with white spots; sheepdog';
d. bal-iskë 'patch of white on the face or body of domestic
animal'; 2a. In many compounds as a first or second element:
<balë·drenjë> 'goat with long straight horns and a white blaze on
the forehead', also <bal·fllorë>; b. balë·mushk 'goat with
dun-colored hair'; c. bal·dosë 'badger' also <dosëbalë>; d.
balë·sorrë 'black ewe with a white blaze on the forehead'; e.
balë·krocë 'evergreen rose'; f. balgjosë 'dark goat with
white lines'; g. bal·mëllenjë 'dark goat with a white blaze on
the forehead', etc (cf. Gr. phalaros 'having a white spot). (It was
rightly supposed that the name of Belisarius' hors <Balias> could be
explained through Albanian.). 3a. Extended root *bhol-t-a: > Alb.
<baltë> 'mud, dirt' (cf. Sl. <blato>, present also in Rom.
<balta>); b. <balt-ak> 'muddy, slimy', c. balt-ovinë 'muddy
place'; d. <balt-inë> 'muddy ground'; e. balt-omë 'mud,
filth' etc. 4. <bajzë> 'coot' (cf. Lat. fulica, Gr.
phaleris/phalaris 'id.'), probably from *bhol-dya:. 5. <ballë>
'forehead' from *bhol-na: (cf. Skt. bha:lam: OPr ballo).
II. Extended root *bhleH1-, contracted to *bhle:- 1a. Alb. <blozë>
'smock-black, lampblack, smut', probably from *bhleH1-dya:; b. <i/e
blozët> 'charred' (cf. Gmc *blewaz).
III. Zero-grade form *bhl.H1- 1. Alb. <blini/bliri> 'lime-tree,
linden', probably derivev from suffixed form of zero-grade *bhl.-nu,
even to some my research *r.H1 as well as *l.H1 have yielded in Alb.
/ur/ and /ul/.
IV. Extended root *bhleg- 1. Alb. <bjeg-zë> with metathetic variant
<bjezgë> 'Phlomis fruticosa', probably from *bhleg-dya:. Same
formation was found also in South Slavic <belica> 'id.' from <bel>
'white'. (Pokorny 1. bhel- 118, bheleg- 124.)
*bhel-2 'to blow, swell'. 1. Alb. <buall/buell> 'bull' from
attested <buoll> is probably derived from lengthened e-grade *bhe:l-n-,
through regular diphthongizing of long *e: to /ou/ > /uo/ > Gheg /ue/
and Tosk /ua/ followed by liquids (cf. ON <boli>). Alb. <bole>
'testicles' (pluralia tantum, synonym <koçe>) is singularized
plural of probably qualitative ablaut *bhl.H1-o > bule > bole. 3.
Zero-grade form *bhl.- > Alb. <bli> 'sturgeon' (cf. Gr.
phal(l)aina 'whale'). (Pokorny 3. bhel- 120.)
*bhel-3 'to thrive, bloom'. 1. Suffixed zero-grade form *bhl.H1- 1.
Alb. <bulë> 'bud', <bulëzoj> 'to sprout'. Probably
assimilation b - l > l - l yielded Alb. <lule> 'flower' as
singularized plural, <lulëzoj> 'to flower, bloom'. 2. Prefixed
form *sbhlo:-t-a: > Alb. <fletë> 'leaf' (*sp-/*sbh- > Alb. /f/):
Gr. phullon: Lat. folium 'id.'.
*bher-1 'to carry; also to bear children'.
I. Suffixed zero-grade *bher-yo 1. <bíe> 'I bring', through
compensatory lengthening of diphthong from *bhiej (*ry > j) (cf. Lat.
ferre: Gr. pherein). 2. Participle form *bher-no > bjerrë 'to lose,
waste', used later also as present stem, usually preceded by
privative prefix z-bjerr, d-bjerr (*dz- voiced allomorph of *ts-) with
metathesis form <bdjerr>.
II. Suffixed o-grade form *bhor-neH2. 1. barrë 'pregnancy'. 2.
*bhor-t > bart 'carry', <bartje> 'carrying'. 3. *bhor-ti >
bars-e 'with young (for woman), calf (for cow)' though *-ti >s as
singularized plural.
III. Possibly extended zero-grade form *br.-t-mu 'automn' (.cf.
Lat. fortunus), synonym <vjeshtë> 'id.'. (Pokorny 1.bher- 128.)
*bher- 'to cut, pierce, bore'. 1. Suffixed zero-grade form
*br.-meH2 > brimë/vrimë 'opening, hole', Gheg variant <birë>
(cf. Lat. for a:re). 2a. Suffixed long o-grade *bhe:r-iga > borigë
'black pine/spruce'; b. borigëz 'chip, splinter' (cf. Gr.
pharynx). 3a. Metathesis long o-grade *bhro:-n-yo > brênj 'gnaw,
nibble'. b. Suffixed in -tyeH2 <bresë> 'chicory, succory'
(synonym <radhiqe>). (Pokorny 3. bher- 133).
*bherHg'- 'to shine'. 1. Alb. <bredh> 'fir-tree', probably
singularized plural of <brad> (attested in Romanian), probably from
zero-grade form *bhr.Hg'-u > *bradz-i > bredh, due to i-Umlaut (cf.
Lat. fraxinus 'ash tree', OE birc(e)). 2. <i,e bardhë>
'white', probably from o-grade form *bhorHg'-o > bardza (Rom.
barza 'stork'). (Pokorny bherHg'- 139.)
*bherg'h- 'to hide, protect'. 1. Alb. <burg> 'jail, prison',
probably from o-grade form *bhorg'h-u (cf. rHg' > rdz > rdh and
*rg'h > rg): Gmc bergan 'to protect'. (Pokorny bherg'h- 145.)
*bheudh- 'to be aware, to make aware'. 1a. Alb. <bunj> 'to put up
for the overnight, give overnight lodgins to', probably from extended
and suffixed zero-grade form *bhudh-n-yo; b. participle form <(me)
bujtë>, probably from *bhudh-to; c. bujt-inë 'small hotel,
lodgings'. 2. Prefixed form <për-bunj> 'to stay awake'. With
this meaning is better preserved in Albanian loan in South-Slavic
languages <katra-bunac^> 'kletvobdenje' etc. : Skt bhodati 'he
awakes', Sl. buditi 'to wake up', Gmc *budo:n 'messenger'.
(Pokorny bheudh- 150.)
*bhes- 'to rub'. 1a. Suffixed form *s-bhes-i-n-yo > fshinj
'rub', probably treating cluster *-bhs- like *-sp- > Alb. /f/. b.
fshesë 'broom' in abstract suffix -tia:. 2. Extended and
suffixed o-grade form *bhosd-ilo > bëzhdile 'sweepings, dust,
rubbish', probably from *bashdilë, used as singularized plural with
regular voicing of /sh/ to /zh/ after voiced stop (cf. Gr. phsilos from
*bhs-ilo in epsilon, psilomelane, upsilon. (Pokorny 1. bhes- 145.)
*bheuH- 'to be, exist, grow'.
I. Extended form *bhwi-. 1a. Alb. <binj/mbinj> 'to sprout,
germinate' (cf. Gr. phuein 'to make grow'), probably from
*bhwi-n-yo; b. Present past participle <bimë> 'plant, growth' (cf.
Gr. phutos, phuton 'plant') 2a. Possibly suffixed form *bhwi-lyeH2
Alb. biljë (attested also in Messapian) > bijë 'daughter'; b. *bhwi-ro > bir 'son', pl. <bij>.
II. Zero-grade form *bhu- 1a. Alb. <bun> 'dwelling place,shepherd's hut' (cf. OI <both> 'a hut', probably from *bhu-nu;
b. Place name Bunjaj. (Pokorny bheu- 146.)
*bheug- 'to bend'. 1a. Alb. <i,e butë> 'soft', probably from
suffixed zero-grade form *bhug-to, through assimilation -gt- > -tt-,
like in *nokW-t-eH2 > natë (cf. Irish Gaelic <bog> 'id.'); b.
<zbut> 'to soften', from prefixed form z-but; c. zbunoj 'to
cajole; caress' from *zbutnoj (tn > n, attested also in <zonë>
'god, lord' master' from <zot-në> or <monë> 'weather' from
<mot-në>). (Pokorny 3. bheug- 152.)
*bheug- 'to taste, prove'. 1a. Alb. <bung> 'durmast oak',
<bungajë> 'forest of durmast oak' (cf. -ol-yo > Alb. -ajë in
*H2el- above), probably from zero-grade nasalized form of o-grade
*bhH3ng-u > bong-u > bung; b. compound <bungëbutë> 'pubescent oak,
white oak', <bungëkeqe> 'Hungarian oak', <bungëkuqe>
'Macedonian oak' (cf. Rom. <bunget> 'thick forest' in suffix
-et.): Gmc *bo:ko:. (Pokorny 4. bheug - 153.)
*bhle:- 'to blow'. 1. Diminutive prefixed form *bhl.H1-skë > alb.
fluskë 'bubble, vesicle', possible from *s-phl.H1-skë (*l.H1 >
Alb. /ul/). 2. Suffixed o-grade form *sphlo:g-er > flegër
'nostrils'. (Pokorny 3.bhel- 120.)
*bleu- 'to swell, well up, overflow'. 1. Extended zero-grade form
*bhlugW- have yilded Alb. <vlug> 'prime point, peak'. 2. Lengthened
e-grade form *bhle:-n-yo > Alb. <vloj> 'boil' (cf. Gr.
phluein/phluzein 'id.'). 3. Suffixed basic root *bhleu-nu > Alb.
bleni 'book, tom, volume' (Pokonry bhleu- 158.)
*bhra:ter- 'brother'. 1. Alb. <bres, brezi> 'generation' is
probably singularized plural of from *bra-tia (bra'brother' in
Illyrian, attested also in Illyrian place name Bratia, today Braç). 2.
Form bra- is attested also in place naime Bra-ina and in patronymic
Bra-ishor. (Pokorny bhra:ter- 163.)
*bhredh- 'to wade'. 1a. Alb. <bredh> 'to wander, roam', aor.
<brodha>; b. extended in abstract suffix -je <bredh-je>
'wandering' (cf. OCHS <broditi> 'to wade'); c. double suffixed
adjective <bredh-ac-ak> 'wanderer, roamer'. (Pokorny bhred(h)-
*bhren-to- 'deer, hornsbearer'. 1. Alb. <brî> 'horn', probably
from zero-grade form *bhr.-nu, Geg plural <brîena> (Messapian
<brendon> from <brenton> with regular voicing of unvoiced dental
preceded by nasal). (Pokorny bhren-to- 168.)
*bhreu- 'to boil, bubble, effervesce; burn'.
I. Suffixed extended zero-grade form *bhru-n-yo. 1. Alb. mbrunj
'knead, impaste, mix'. 2. Present past participle <brumë>
'dough, duff, paste'.
II. Variant form *bhur- 1. Alb. <buroj> 'to spring, gush', derived
from *bhur-a:-n-yo, burim 'spring': Gr. phrear 'spring': OE
burna etc.