Trond Engen
2011-06-28 21:23:11 UTC
[Here's a post I've had in writing for a week, but I don't seem to find
the time to finish my research. So I'll just throw it out as is and see
what turns up.]
My son recently asked me if Norwegian <sjark> "small vessel mainly used
for trolling" is the same word as English <shark>. I said the Norwegian
word looked like a loan, but I didn't think it could be the same word,
since it's not a good fit semantically, and according to OERD the origin
of the English word is unknown anyway.
However, in my Norwegian dictionary <sjark> is explained as "Originally
pejorative. Same word as Eng. 'shark' "hai, svindler""
So: If the English word is inherited, sh- would be from sk-, and then it
might be related to Norwegian <skurk> "bandit", which looks like a LG loan.
Looking up Norsk Ordbok 2014
(<>) I find:
| skurk m. I. = skoppetroll (Roms). Jfr. gullskurk. Å. I avljodshøve
| til skark? Jfr. næste ord (@ skurk II). T.
| skurk m. II.
| l. beingrind (Ma, VTel), R.
| 2. gamalt og utslite menneske (Ry), R. I avljodshøve til skark.
| Sml. jysk skurk, forfrose menneske, stakkar. T.
| ( skurk ) m. III. skarv, fark, HFo. Dsk. Skurk, av t. Schurke (eldre
| Schurk), FT.
I. "woodlouse". Related by ablaut to <skark>?
II. 1. "skeleton" 2. "old, weary person", related by ablaut to <skark>.
Compare Jysk <skurk>, "frozen or poor person".
III. "scoundrel". From Ge. <Schurk(e)>.
Meaning III is the German loan. The two others seem to be native.
I didn't know <skark> (I see that it's mainly sothwestern):
| skark m. skral og forkomen skapning eller ting, soleis:
| a) skrint og krukse dyr, serl. hest (Har, Dal, Li, Rbg, Tel);
| b) vesalt menneske, krusling òg um eit moralsk forkome menneske (Har
| o.fl.);
| c) gamal, mager fisk (Rbg, Dal), jfr. åskark;
| d) forfallen reidskap, t.d. ein ledlaus kjelke (Har o.fl.);
| e) hanglesjukt, maktlaust menneske (Ndm, Tr);
| f) tungt, dauvt og tvert menneske; tverrdrivar (Dal). R. Jfr. skarka.
a) "miserable animal", esp. horse.
b) "miserable person", also for moral misery.
c) "Old, poor fish", cf. <åskark> [= "river skark", a local fishname]
d) "lousy or worn-out tool, e.g. a rickety sledge"
e) essentially same as b)
f) "inert, cross and sullen person"
I think it's pretty clear that English <shark> is an English reflex (or
an ON loan) of a Germanic word meaning "miserable thing", acquiring its
current meaning through "bad fish".
It would seem to be closely related to <skarv> n. "cormorant; crook" and
<skarve> adj. "lousy".
Norwegian 'sjark' still looks like a loan, with an original meaning
close to d) above. But I think there's another possibility, related to
the Eng. meaning "swindler". There's a parallel in the Norwegian word
'jukse' "1. cheat; 2. troll; tool for trolling". Since it's a maritime
word, the origin may be LG or Dutch, but I haven't looked into that.
The ablaut suggests a deverbal origin, but I'm not sure how to derive
any of this from verbal roots.
the time to finish my research. So I'll just throw it out as is and see
what turns up.]
My son recently asked me if Norwegian <sjark> "small vessel mainly used
for trolling" is the same word as English <shark>. I said the Norwegian
word looked like a loan, but I didn't think it could be the same word,
since it's not a good fit semantically, and according to OERD the origin
of the English word is unknown anyway.
However, in my Norwegian dictionary <sjark> is explained as "Originally
pejorative. Same word as Eng. 'shark' "hai, svindler""
So: If the English word is inherited, sh- would be from sk-, and then it
might be related to Norwegian <skurk> "bandit", which looks like a LG loan.
Looking up Norsk Ordbok 2014
(<>) I find:
| skurk m. I. = skoppetroll (Roms). Jfr. gullskurk. Å. I avljodshøve
| til skark? Jfr. næste ord (@ skurk II). T.
| skurk m. II.
| l. beingrind (Ma, VTel), R.
| 2. gamalt og utslite menneske (Ry), R. I avljodshøve til skark.
| Sml. jysk skurk, forfrose menneske, stakkar. T.
| ( skurk ) m. III. skarv, fark, HFo. Dsk. Skurk, av t. Schurke (eldre
| Schurk), FT.
I. "woodlouse". Related by ablaut to <skark>?
II. 1. "skeleton" 2. "old, weary person", related by ablaut to <skark>.
Compare Jysk <skurk>, "frozen or poor person".
III. "scoundrel". From Ge. <Schurk(e)>.
Meaning III is the German loan. The two others seem to be native.
I didn't know <skark> (I see that it's mainly sothwestern):
| skark m. skral og forkomen skapning eller ting, soleis:
| a) skrint og krukse dyr, serl. hest (Har, Dal, Li, Rbg, Tel);
| b) vesalt menneske, krusling òg um eit moralsk forkome menneske (Har
| o.fl.);
| c) gamal, mager fisk (Rbg, Dal), jfr. åskark;
| d) forfallen reidskap, t.d. ein ledlaus kjelke (Har o.fl.);
| e) hanglesjukt, maktlaust menneske (Ndm, Tr);
| f) tungt, dauvt og tvert menneske; tverrdrivar (Dal). R. Jfr. skarka.
a) "miserable animal", esp. horse.
b) "miserable person", also for moral misery.
c) "Old, poor fish", cf. <åskark> [= "river skark", a local fishname]
d) "lousy or worn-out tool, e.g. a rickety sledge"
e) essentially same as b)
f) "inert, cross and sullen person"
I think it's pretty clear that English <shark> is an English reflex (or
an ON loan) of a Germanic word meaning "miserable thing", acquiring its
current meaning through "bad fish".
It would seem to be closely related to <skarv> n. "cormorant; crook" and
<skarve> adj. "lousy".
Norwegian 'sjark' still looks like a loan, with an original meaning
close to d) above. But I think there's another possibility, related to
the Eng. meaning "swindler". There's a parallel in the Norwegian word
'jukse' "1. cheat; 2. troll; tool for trolling". Since it's a maritime
word, the origin may be LG or Dutch, but I haven't looked into that.
The ablaut suggests a deverbal origin, but I'm not sure how to derive
any of this from verbal roots.
Trond Engen
Trond Engen